Master Class
Are you a Christian parent of a high school student nearing college age? We have an exceptional opportunity just for you and your student. Whether your student is homeschooled, attending a faith-based private school, or enrolled in a public school, our Mini-Master Class, based on the book "Your Next Big Step: The Complete Manual for Christian Parents and Students Preparing for College," is here to help.
This class will guide your student to grow closer to God while finding the right college that aligns with their calling. Designed for both parents and students, it offers the clarity students need and the confidence parents seek to ensure they're on the right path.
Students, whether you're a sophomore, junior, senior, or a recent high school graduate still deciding on your next steps, this is an opportunity you won't want to miss.
In this master class, you will gain invaluable insights, including:
Keeping God at the forefront as you navigate the final years of high school and choose a college that aligns with His calling for your life.
Recognizing and honoring significant relationships as you transition from high school to college.
Identifying reputable colleges and technical schools while avoiding predatory institutions and unproductive majors.
Exploring financial options to fund your education.
Conducting meaningful college visits to help you choose the right school for God's calling on your life.
And so much more…
To discover how the "Your Next Big Step Mini-Master Class" can benefit you and your student, contact us at Christworker.Sean@gmail.com. Don't miss this opportunity to ensure a bright and faith-filled academic future!